support for writers, actors & artists
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Accessible affordable group healing sessions using somatic embodiment and parts work to manage and heal trauma.

Emma on Zoom (photo: Emily Hewitt) “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”“I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled. And then," he added in a lower tone, "I ate my own wickedness.”“Words can be like X-rays if…

Emma on Zoom (photo: Emily Hewitt)

"By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds - the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise." ~ Caroline Myss

For those who complete the Brave Group Coaching 6 Week Basics, Emma offers ongoing weekly Advanced Brave Group Coaching at 11am ET on Wednesdays. Emma also does private coaching. Reach out for more info.

And follow Emma on SUBSTACK for their writing about creativity and wholeness.

“I am beyond delighted to share my experience of Emma Goldman-Sherman's workshop, which I have begun to fondly refer to as my "fight or flight class"—although it’s so much more than that! Emma's warmth, love, and profound knowledge of our systems create a transformative learning environment that has already led to some deep healing in my life. The skills I've gained seamlessly integrate into my daily life and are impacting areas that are most important to me in very meaningful ways. I am so grateful for Emma's guidance, and I highly recommend working with Emma in this (or any!) capacity.”
Rhonda S. Musak

New Brave Group Coaching sessions begin Saturday, April 6th 4pm - 530pm ET via Zoom. This is a 6-week 90 minute coaching class to support people who want to support their nervous systems and feel more present in their lives.

Whatever you have suffered, there are ways to heal without triggering others, without going into your history and your stories.

This is a slow and gentle approach to provide you with greater capacity to be present.

In this 6 week workshop, we will be creating healing experiences. To access healing experiences, we will be learning new, accessible modalities for healing including somatic (body) work and parts work.

We will learn how to get to know our parts, regulate our nervous systems, and create a lived sense of safety in our bodies. We’ll become more responsive and less reactive.

We will use parts work, visualization and gentle somatic exercises to begin to heal attachment pain, grief/loss and other issues.

6 Saturdays this spring. 4pm - 530pm ET 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 & 5/4 & 5/11. Limited spaces available.

SLIDING SCALE $210 - $120 Pay what you can pricing makes it affordable for everyone and it works out to @$20-35 per session depending on your means. Reach out to me and we can discuss it further.

I take Zelle (, as Barbara Goldman-Sherman) or Venmo (@Emma-Goldman-Sherman) or Paypal (if you pay their fees,

Reach out to Emma HERE to secure your spot!